Founding company president Masashi Oshino establishes Oshino Lamps in Shinagawa, Tokyo.
Filament winding equipment installed.
Development of an ignition device for gas stoves.
Oshino develops automatic shunting equipment for lamps for Christmas decorations, for which it submits a patent application.

Reorganized as a public corporation called Oshino Lamps Limited, headed by Masashi Oshino, the first president of the company.
Head Office moved to new buildings in Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku.
Beat seal style T-1 lamps developed. Low-current, double-wound coils for T-1 lamps developed.
Automated small-lamp production lines installed. Short T-1 size lamps developed for the aerospace industry.
Wolcox Corporation (now a head office for sales) established as an overseas trading division of Oshino Lamps Limited.

Masashi Oshino receives the Purple Ribbon Medal.